Getting Started


python-quoine is available on PYPI. Install with pip:

pip install python-quoine

Register on Quoinex

Firstly register an account with Quoinex or Qryptos.

Generate an API Key

To use signed account methods you are required to create an API Key.

Note Qryptos and Quoinex have different API Keys.

Initialise the client

Pass your API Token Id and Secret

Import the client you want to use, the methods available are the same.

from quoine.client import Quoinex, Qryptos
quoinex_client = Quoinex(quoinex_api_token_id, quoinex_api_secret)

qryptos_client = Qryptos(qryptos_api_token_id, qryptos_api_secret)

# optionally pass a language parameter
# ie en, en-us
qryptos_client = Qryptos(api_token_id, api_secret, language='zh')

# optionally pass a vendor id if applicable
qryptos_client = Qryptos(api_token_id, api_secret, vendor_id='vendor_id')

API Rate Limit

API users should not make more than 300 requests per 5 minute.

Requests that go beyond the limit will return with a 429 status